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Enduro/Downhill trip in Pokhara, Nepal

Enduro and Downhill Adventure in Pokhara: Ride Thrilling Trails with Breathtaking Mountain Views

$ 184.10

Price may vary according to your plan


14% Discount




35 KM


1 Day

Tour Type


A Scorpio truck is carrying mountain bikes for downhill shuttles.

Enjoy an adventure filled enduro, downhill mountain biking in Pokhara through fired jeep roads, single tracks and traditional paths encapsulated with rich culture, nature and the views of Himalayas!

And much more:

  • Single-Tracks
  • Suspension bridges
  • Rice terraces
  • Sight of villages and cultural authenticity
  • Sight of world peace pagoda
  • Amazing landscapes
  • Dirt and fired roads

Explore authentic villages, nature and landscapes while enjoying the thrill of downhill mountain biking in Pokhara!

Pokhara is an amazing destination for free-riding and downhill biking junkies. Though, Nepal doesn’t have any MTB resorts, Pokhara itself serves as a natural downhill MTB destination that offers a wide range of mountain biking shuttles.
Downhill options in Pokhara are incredibly diverse that are able to address the need of any riders from novice to professionals. Pokhara reserves world-class single tracks to fast flowy dirt roads which offer stunning views of the Annapurna, Dhaulagiri and Fishtail mountains and an awe-inspiring experience. Among many downhill trails, the Sarangkot dirt track and the Peace pagoda single-track are the most popular downhill trails in Pokhara, Nepal. The Sarangkot enduro downhill is mostly on a fired dirt road which reserves flowy and technical sections with loose rocks and roots. Whereas, the Stupa single trail is full of flowy and technical sections with roots, rocks and switch-backs. The addition of cable car shuttle with the jeep shuttle makes this downhill trip a unique experience in Pokhara, Nepal.
Why wait to calm down your nerves for Enduro/Downhill trip? Get this tour booked! And celebrate your day on two wheels  as you roll down the magnificent landscapes while exploring the authentic villages of Pokhara.

Downhill trail map in Pokhara, Nepal.

Book Your Shuttled Ride Now!

Basic Package price starting at

$ 184.10

Inclusion & Exclusion


Dual Suspension Bike

Total Price

$ 184.10

Itinerary & Bookings

No itinerary found

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there downhill shuttles available in Pokhara, Nepal?
How many shuttles are available for downhill in Pokhara?
What do I need to bring with for the downhill mountain biking in Pokhara ?
Do you provide protective gears for downhill mountain biking in Pokhara?
How hard are the downhill shuttles in Pokhara?

Contact Us

Visit Us At

Baidam, Hallan Chowk,
Halan Chowk, Lakeside, Pokhara 33700

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WhatsApp @ +9779804134788

Or Call: +977 61 456224

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